
Monday, July 2, 2012

Hello and welcome

Welcome to my blog!  I hope you find it interesting, informative, and (sometimes) funny. 

For the most part, my blog will be built around three themes:

  • LIFE--the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and the inherent dignity of the human person.
  • LIBERTY--the defense of religious liberty against the encroachments of government as well as the corrosive effects of our secular culture.
  • THE PURSUIT OF HOLINESS (with apologies to Thomas Jefferson)--the striving for sanctity in our modern world.  This category is the most elastic, because under here will be posts both sublime and ridiculous, both personal and practical.  One day I might share an insight from a book I'm reading; the other day, the spiritual lessons of NASCAR (oh yes, there are!).
Who am I?   I am a Catholic revert, a member of a parish of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter; a once-married father of three adopted children; and a federal employee in the Washington DC area.   More, you'll learn as time goes on.

Much of the time I'll be posting links to things that have caught my eye--a news article, a video, another blog.  As I have time (hopefully at least once a week), I'll post my own musings on whatever strikes my fancy.  On Wednesdays, you are in for a special treat; on that day, I turn the blog over to my wife, Susan, a much better (and funnier) writer than I am.  Fridays, I hope to feature my version of the popular " 7 Quick Takes."

Like other bloggers, I'll appreciate both comments and questions.

Until next time, thanks and I hope to hear from you!

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